Volontariat India

Volontariat was created in Pondicherry in 1962 thanks to a young Belgian social worker, Madeleine Herman, who was inspired by the leitmotiv of Emmaus organisation to “Serve FIRST the poorest of the poor”: children, people suffering from leprosy, unemployed people, gypsies, etc. 

To that end and in order to meet the needs, Volontariat diversified over time, with various programs, such as the schooling of young children (Oupalam), care of young troubled people (Souriya home & Nila Illam), professional insertion of disabled people in the weaving workshop (Atelier Shanti), care of destitute seniors (Amaidhi Illam & Thendral Illam), an agricultural production (Touttipakkam farm) : animal farming, crops, sprirulina production,etc. More recently, other programmes involving children were opened: Sandesh Illam, Kilingikuppam, Salayampalayam, Santhikuppam, etc.

Volontariat also brings its support in case of natural disasters. Lastly, it was the Covid 19 crisis which everywhere provoked a terrible poverty wave. Volontariat also helped several associations that were developing activities with the same spirit.

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 Madeleine HERMAN de Blic 

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